Thursday, November 29, 2012

Track Eight: War Photographer-Jason Forrest

I have a soft spot for songs that don't have lyrics. Don't get me wrong, I love it when lyrics can tell a compelling story, but songs like this remind me why I love music. If you take a look at the video there is obviously a story it has to tell, but listen to it without the video and.. there's about a million stories it could be telling. I myself am the type of person who takes full advantage of this. Go ahead and listen to the song once with the video. Play it again and this time shut your eyes and just *listen*. If you're like me you will soon be directing your very own music video in your head. The fact that a song can take advantage of your imagination like that is really really cool.

The first time I really *listened* to this song, I was in the car reading a book. The book's characters had been on a long journey when they reached the top of a mountain and got a glimpse of the landscape stretching out before them. It was then that the final chorus of this song began to play. The triumphant, almost euphoric sound of the trumpets completely captured that moment for me. It was unlike any experience I had ever had when listening to music before. It just goes to show you that music really is an emotional thing. It can take a feeling, an emotion, and project it onto us as human beings. It's why sad songs make us sad, why happy songs make us happy, why the music they play in scary movies makes us so unsettled. I find this inherent quality of music truly fascinating. It's the sort of thing that sounds obvious, but when you think about it... just a small combination of tones can either discomfort us or put us at ease in a manner of seconds. It makes you wonder how your brain is really processing all this stuff, doesn't it?

I might've gone off on a bit of a tangent there.. You're probably just here for the music anyway, so I'll shut up and let you listen. Enjoy the song. ~

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